Modular Kelps

NorseAqua modular kelp system makes life on the pen easier for the farmer with its button system.

NorseAqua Safety Ladder

The safety ladder is as necessary on the cage as a life jacket and helmet. Working on salmon farming cages is risky…

Fibrelight safety ladder

The Fibrelight rescue ladder takes up little space and requires minimal maintenance. A perfect safety measure for fishing boats, farming boats, or…

Ice Buster

Kraftig slegge i plast som er solid nok til å knuse is – og samtidig lett nok til å gjøre jobben mindre…

Floating jetty

NorseAqua's simple and ingenious floating jetties in solid PE, perfect for summer swimming and boating.


A quick and easy temporary fix for ruptured feed hoses.

Gyda recapture device

The Gyda re-capture device inhabits all the same qualities as our previous version, Saga, and expands on it's best qualities, to a cheaper…

The Mid-Norwegian Ring

The Mid-Norwegian Ring (MNR) improves the water environment in cages by transporting water upwards.

Belt feeder

We offer a complete, easy to use dispenser that is easy to maintain. 3500 units are installed and it's currently the most…


CurtainKelp makes it easier to maintain the kelp without a crane. The CurtainKelp is mounted on the cage net and dry easily…

Odin Feeder

Odin feeder is an automatic, simple and reliable feeder for lumpfish.


CraneKelp is customized for users whom dislike a lot of ropes and prefer a crane.