NorseAqua modular kelp system makes life on the pen easier for the farmer with its button system.

New and unique design.

Norseaqua’s Modular kelps are designed to be easily adapted to any cage and to cut maintenance costs.

  • Made for a variety of cleaner fish species, different
    cage sizes, depths, different current conditions, etc.
  • You get kelp sheds that are adapted to your location at no cost
    by tailoring.
  • You can continue the adaptation to the cage after the kelp shed is
    put out!
  • Maintenance is easy with just a quick replacement of only worn modules.

Solid and extendable

The carrying rope is located close to the water surface and is the supporting beam for the entire kelp. It is constructed of two 16mm ropes that are sewn together in parallel. The carrying rope is attached to the handrail.

The carrier rope modules are made in lengths of 7.2m. Each end is equipped with a plastic case and using soft shackles you can assemble up to several modules to achieve the desired length and design of your choosing. Just snap on a new length with a soft shackle.



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