Algaefree combats algae, biofilm, and growth for a better pen environment and better fish health

Algaefree has supplied ultrasound systems worldwide for over 13 years.

Algaefree tackles all types of different algae and stops the first layer of bio-film, which the algae adhere to, from sticking to the pen or the hull. It creates ultrasound waves in the water from an electronic transducer that continuously transmits and switches between several hundred sequences to prevent algae growth.



The system has been tried and tested with good results in fish farming of several different species around the world. Algaefree’s own website shows several reports of successful reduction of growth on the pen nets and the pens themselves. Several Norwegian salmon farmers are already users of Algaefree with good results.

Algaefree and their ALPHA ultrasonic sensors come with documented results from various industries around the world.

Prevents growth and saves the owner scraping, cleaning time, and money. Less fouling on nets gives immediate savings, not only in nickles and dimes but also in terms of improving fish welfare and the overall pen environment. Less growth means less net washing which is stressful for the fish in the pens. Less handling and disturbance of the fish also results in better welfare. In addition, less net washing at farming locations will reduce the service interval and impregnation of the nets, which gives the nets a longer lifespan and reduces emissions of the impregnation of the nets.

Technical Information

The sensors have an effective range against green algae of 150 meters, and 400 meters for blue algae in all directions. The sensors are not harmful to other species.

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